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Role of Phytoplankton in Atmospheric Regulation

By Penny Paugh Scientists have been examining the self-regulating factors of climate and the oceans. A study conducted at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle, WA, has been looking at the role of the tiny organisms and the planet’s atmosphere. “For many years, we thought that chemical emissions from phytoplankton was the major player in […]

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Cyanobacteria Absorbs CO2 and Could Be a Used to Ward off Global Warming

Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue green algae or bacteria, are unlike most bacteria. It photosynthesizes like algae and plants, making its own food using water and energy from light, with a by-product of oxygen. They are one of the earliest life forms to evolve on earth. Most likely they are responsible for creating the oxygen […]

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